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Amalia, Rica and Firdausiyah, Firdausiyah and Yulianto, Tony and Faisol, Faisol and Kuzairi, Kuzairi (2022) The local strong metric dimension in the join of graphs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2157 (1).
Yulianto, Tony and Tafrikan, Mohamad and Amalia, Rica and Yunita, Emi and Haikal, Moch and Ariyanto, Fathorrozi and Hasanah, Zuhrotul (2022) Application of the Smith Waterman and Jukes Cantor Algorithm in the Arrangement of the SARS CoV-2 Virus. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research, 8 (1). pp. 20-27. ISSN 2460-4453 (online) 2614-6487 (printed)
Amalia, Rica (2022) Buku Ajar KALKULUS 1. UIM Press, Universitas Islam Madura. (In Press)